Kelp is a member of the brown algae family. Kelp grows in shallow coastal marine environments. Like many edible seaweeds, kelp has an abundance vitamins and minerals. The plant is particularly rich in B vitamins, which are important in maintaining a healthy cellular metabolism. Also, like most edible seaweeds, kelp is also high in iodine content which is vital in maintaining a healthy thyroid, and minerals such as calcium and magnesium which are valuable in good muscle and bone health.
Kelp has been commonly used as a tasty addition to soups, salads and a substitute for noodles, particularly in Asian cultures for thousands of years.
- Great Source of Iodine
- Helps You Lose Weight
- May Prevent or Treat Diabetes
- Helps with Some Blood-Related Disorders
- Slows the Growth of Many Types of Cancer
- Natural Anti-Inflammatory
- Helps Prevent Bone Loss
Note: If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or suffering from a chronic condition or ailment, consult your physician before taking any seaweed supplement.